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01 Hour 31 Min 55 Sec

Settings on Zocdoc


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Screenshot of Settings on Zocdoc
  • Home

  • Account

  • Settings

  • Account details

  • Edit name

  • Account

  • Settings

  • Notification settings

  • Settings

  • Security settings

  • Set up 2fa

Page Flows exposes a clear video recording that showcases the settings and customizing features of the Zocdoc iOS app, emphasizing the user interface and task flow. The settings and customizing features of the Zocdoc iOS app offer users a comprehensive account settings section where they can easily manage their personal information. This area allows users to update their contact details, adjust notification preferences, and configure privacy settings with just a few taps. By providing a clear and intuitive interface, the app ensures that users can tailor their experience to better suit their individual needs.